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DEMO - Options combinations configuration

In this view, you can change Options combinations configuration for check the possibilities that this extension can offer you.
After fill the form, press in button "Apply selected configuration" and you will be returned to home view.
You can return to this view from main menu pressing button "DEMO - Options combinations configuration".

View complete configuration in admin zone.
View Optiosn combinations in tab "Option" of each product in admin zone.

Template compatibility
This mode is compatible with ALL THEMES. The system will replace default "Add to cart" button by a new configurable button to choose option combination before add to cart. A popup window will appear where user will can choose option combination.

If "Generic mode" is not enought for you, and you want full compatibility, our team will can estimate the cost of your custom theme adaptation. Put in contact with us.
If you want know compatible themes visit themes found in this list
Product inner view design
Product list view design (views: category, search, manufacturer info...)
Options bullets functionality is compatible with themes found in this list.

Like we explained in top yellow square, if you hired the full template compatibility, our team also will do bullets compatibility.
Each product has his own "Options bullets" configuration which replaces the general "Option bullets" configuration.